soul food

I love to cook, I have one bookshelf totally dedicated top to bottom to cookbooks. I love to plan what we eat, carefully choosing the best ingredients, and can’t wait to get in the kitchen with those ingredients and see what I can create. I love the whole process of getting food from recipe to reality. It is something I take great care with, I am purposeful about it.

Yet over the last few months I have realised there is another sort of food I need, and that is food for my soul. I need to be planning ahead, actively searching for the right ingredients,  and creating the time and space to feed my soul.

At the moment I am in a weird pattern. A pattern where I focus on ticking off my to-do list, or I focus on the  house, or the family.  Then, when I realise my soul is starving, I feed it junk food. I feed it a multitude of different voices from other people’s blogs. Food that gives a little nourishment but not enough. I am feeding it with quick pre-prepared meals that have no depth of flavour, no sustenance. Yes they are good for a quick easy feed, but my soul needs something more substantial, more life-giving.


My particularity about food makes me rather difficult to live with. Sometimes when Mr asks what I want to eat, I will reply with “I don’t know”. Then follows a list of useful suggestions from Mr, and a chorus of “no, not that” from me. I often find I am more clear about what I don’t want to eat than what I do.

I am in this situation, at the moment, with my soul food. I know I am sick of existing on a myriad of daily blog posts. I know I need something more, but I’m not really sure what.

I have a feeling that just sitting down to write this, might be part of the answer.

PS: Just so you know, I love blogs, I love reading and being inspired by others. The problem (for me at least) is when they are the only food for my soul.

One thought on “soul food

  1. You know what I’ve done recently? Cleared out almost all of my Feedly and started over. I followed JUST design and DIY blogs for awhile just to shift my focus a bit. It was a nice reprieve …

    I get what you mean – totally!

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