the sacred work of becoming

de Beauvoir

Ever had the sensation of going about your everyday, the ordinary routine of the minutiae of life. When you are suddenly struck by the feeling of being present at something sacred?

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine was speaking at a retreat. She was sharing a story she had written. As I listened to the story, I laughed at the funny bits and felt my heart race at the salient points.

She has been practising her craft for many years. Yet, this moment was different, something had shifted, something had moved. And I got the sense that I was present for something sacred. I felt that I watched her become.

Then just the other evening I watched the daughter of close family friends perform in her recital. I have known this girl since she was in-utero.  We have history of numerous meals, holidays away with the two families, lives shared.

I sat and watched her take the stage and hold the microphone. I listened to her sing, and introduce the band. I watched her celebrate with her friends at the end.

It was a sacred moment.

I watched her transition that evening from a girl to a young woman. I watched her own her gifts and her talents and take steps to grow in them. I watched her become.

Both these women are at different stages of life. One is just finishing school and about to engage with the world of being an adult. The other has grown-up children marrying and moving out of the family home.

But both these women have taken the time to find their gifts, and nurture them and grow in them. And watching them both, I know I have been in the presence of something sacred. A becoming.

What do you need to do to have your own becoming? What talents need nurturing or developing? What work needs to be put in?

Why not do the work, develop the gifts and nurture the talent?

It is never too late, and in fact there may be many such moments of “becoming” in your life.

You never know which is going to be your scared moment, a moment of becoming.


One thought on “the sacred work of becoming

  1. So lovely. The sacredness is where God brings all those parts of us we’ve silenced or disempowered to be liberated.

    That’s the beauty of God in our lives.

    Your new book is going to be a sacred act. I’m looking forward to working on the journey with you. Xxx

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