and so it begins

new beginnings

I woke early this morning, watching the darkness fade and pale yellow take over the sky.
A new day, a new month, a new beginning. So I wrote a blessing for you, (and me).


and so it begins

this day full of hope and possibility

this day full of plans

this day bursting with things unknown


and as I step out into the pale light of new beginnings

may I let go of expectation and allow this day to unfold as it will

may I embrace change instead of skittering away from it, fearful and shy

may I open my eyes to the possibility that this day is spilling over with potential

may I not forsake the days before, but use all I’ve learned as solid ground for what is to come

may I accept all that the new is yet to tell me about myself, opening up to growth and transformation

may I give my dreams unto this day, releasing them like a kite onto the gentle breeze

and when this day is done, and I look back over its landscape may I breath a sigh, and say this was a good day.




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