Creating Space

This weekend, we tackled a little house project I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. We moved the homework station, complete with notice boards, around the corner. It seemed a simple thing but it took two days of patching holes, and sanding, and repainting.

The result is that the kids’ stuff is more organised and all in one place. But the biggest change is that we walk into the kitchen and we see a blank wall.

Before, the first thing we saw on entering the kitchen was a notice board of “things to do.” Now it is an empty wall.

We cannot believe the difference it has made to have that wall empty.

It has created space for us to exhale.

Mr and I had a very short discussion about what may, one day, go on that wall, but for the moment we are both very content to keep it bare.

Sometimes the emptiness is where the magic is. We do not have to fill that space with something straight away. We are enjoying the rest that this blank wall is giving both our eyes and our spirits.

Where do you need to create space today?

What do you need to move to allow you to breathe out and breathe deep?

It may be a literal moving of furniture like we undertook this weekend.

Or it could also be a clearing of space in your calendar.

It could be giving yourself permission to rest for a while, instead of thinking about the constant to do list in your mind.

It could be turning off the music and podcasts, giving your ears a break, so you can hear yourself think.

Or turning off social media notifications, so that your life is not driven by other people’s agendas or updates.

Creating space is not always easy. It takes intention, effort, and sometimes two (or more) days of work. But it is important.

Creating space gives a rest from the clamour of other voices. It gives your soul an opportunity to speak, and for you to listen. It gives space to rest, and breathe, and exhale. It gives space for you to notice. And eventually, it can also be a space where new opportunities open up.

May you create space today to give your soul the rest and restoration that it needs,



One thought on “Creating Space

  1. Beautiful Jodie !! We tend to see how much we can fit in rather than allow for a space for the possible to happen.

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