

I’ve been away.

Consciously, deliberately, as a circuit breaker.

Firstly from social media. I found there were things being shared that I just couldn’t handle. I know myself, I know my limits, and it just wasn’t worth checking, so I didn’t.

I have been away.

Consciously, deliberately, for celebration.

Mr has just had a very significant birthday. And my naturally introvert husband chose to spend time with me, then our little family, and then the extended family. We have had a week of celebration. A week of connection, a week of creating memories and remembering where we have come from.

I have been away, and it has been absolutely wonderful.

And now I feel strong enough, and refreshed enough to come back.

So for those of you that were looking for my posts, I’m sorry but I just had to take a break.

What about you, where do you need to take a break?

And the even more important question “why do you need to take a break?”

Sometimes getting away can be the very best thing, sometimes it is just the thing to give you the strength to come back.

feeling refreshed,


One thought on “away

  1. I’ve been taking some intentional time away as well. It IS refreshing, rejuvenating and wonderful!

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