books that open me up

books open

One of the amazing luxuries about my new rhythm this year is the time to once again read. While the ability to finish a page, let alone a chapter, has been elusive to me over the past 5 years, I none-the-less kept purchasing books. (Well, just because I couldn’t read them, didn’t mean I didn’t want them!)

Consequently I have some (very) well-stocked shelves of books I haven’t read. So now I am reading fiction and non-fiction, devouring books like I haven’t seen them in a long time, which let’s face it, I haven’t. The freedom to actually finish a chapter has been amazing, and so I am at the moment reading a few different books at one time.

But what I forgot about reading books like this, devouring them voraciously, is that once you open them up they open you up! I have three books that are doing this to me at the moment. Their carefully targeted words are slicing a neat line down my middle and laying my insides somewhat bare and vulnerable.

The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst is attacking the part of me that lives to please others, that says yes often without thinking of the consequences both for myself and my family. It is challenging me in my deepest core to consider my answers carefully, and even say no (because we all know this is something I am so good at!). It is a great read, and each chapter has spoken to me about stepping up in this area of my life and taking control.

Third Culture Kids by David Pollock and Ruth Van Reken is  challenging me in a totally different way. Causing me to reflect on my childhood experience of growing up in many countries and how that has formed me as a person. A lot of self-reflection has followed. It is a particularly pertinent read as I left Australia at 4 (my youngest is about to turn 4) and I am examining from a mother’s perspective both the effects on me, and on my parents of that.

Finally, To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue is opening me up in a gentler kind of way. The blessings in this book need to be read slowly. Just one a day. There is no real action to take, no changes or challenges that are inspired. Rather there is a seeping into the soul of the words, allowing them to touch deep places. Letting the words bounce off my heart, and echo around my mind, and settle in my spirit throughout the day.

Three books opening me up in three very different ways. What about you? What are you reading? Do you also find when you open some books they also open you up?

Either way I’m loving having time to read,
